Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Some of you may of heard me talk about "worry" in the past. It's been on my mind alot lately and I thought I would write about.

Look, we all have things to worry about in this world we live in....gas prices, economy, elections, etc... It's tough not to worry. For me personally it's tough because recently I have been seeing my hours cut at work. I do pray that revenue will come in at work and that the company will be able to give me hours but instead of sitting around worrying how I am going to pay the bills or afford to put gas in my car..... I simply choose to not worry and to rely on God to continue to provide for me. He has provided for me in the past and is not going to stop all of a sudden. God watches over us and sometime I think we loose site of that. We are all gonna 'worry' in life, but it's important to remember that, when we live in a relationship with God, we don't have to worry! God is in control folks.

There is more on my mind, but it's hard to type all out and have it make
I welcome your comments, please.

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