5 mega themes:
- Praise - Psalms are songs of praise to God as our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. Praise is recognizing, appreciating, and expressing God's greatness. Focusing our thoughts on God moves us to praise Him. The more we know Him the more with can appreciate what He has done for us.
- God's Power - God is all-powerful; and he always acts at the right time. He is sovereign over every situation. God's power is shown by the ways he reveals himself in creation, history and his Word. When we will powerless, God can help up. His strength can overcome the despair of any pain or trial. We can always pray that he will deliver, protect and sustain us.
- Forgiveness - Many Psalms are intense prayers asking God for forgiveness. God forgives is when we confess our sin ans turn from it. Because God forgives us, we can pray to him honestly and directly. When we receive his forgiveness, we move from alienation to intimacy, from guilt to love.
- Thankfulness - We are grateful to God for his personal concern, help, and mercy. Not only does he protect, guide, and forgive us, but his creation provides everything we need. When we realize how we benefit from knowing God, we can fully express our thanks to him. By thanking him often, we develop spontaneity in our prayer life.
- Trust - God is faithful and just. When we put our trust in him, he quiets our hearts. Because he has been faithful throughout history, we can trust him, in times of trouble. People can be unfair and friends may desert us, but we can trust God. Knowing God intimately drives away doubt, fear, and loneliness.
I hope this has helped you liked it helped me. Try reading more of the Psalms if you're not already.
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