Sunday, May 24, 2009

I can trust God

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” I remember memorizing those words in Sunday school growing up. As I have grown over the years I have learned more and more that we can trust God with every aspect of our lives. That’s amazing to think about, yet some people are scared to trust in something they can’t see.

For me, I grew up seeing God at work in my family as we trusted God with our lives.

I can trust God to support me when I’m overwhelmed.
I can trust God to Guide me when I’m confused.
I can trust God to strengthen me when I’m tempted
I can trust God to forgive me when I’m guilty
I can trust God to comfort me when I’m lonely
I can trust God to reward me when I’m faithful

As you go throughout the week ahead I encourage you to remind yourself that we can trust God. He is always with us!

1 comment:

  1. How do you explain something so unexplainable to people? Something so...perfect.
    You and I both know having grown up in chruch that God tell us we can trust in Him with our lives and We just simply choose to believe Him.
    It's sad sometimes that just because you cant see something, that people choose not to believe that something isn't really. Believing isnt having to see something. it's something you feel with your heart. We both know it doesnt have to be infront of you to be real.
    But GOD is real, and its a process for people you havent grown up with God in their hearts and lives. And i agree wholeheartedly that you can trust Him with your life. God has truly blessed both of our lifes and those we love.
    Keep up with good work Hunny. :)


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